BED BUGS! After having spent a satisfactory first week despite a broken and unreplaced dryer, we decided to come back for a second week and were accommodated in another apartment. From the first day, we had reported a strong smell of damp and a clear lack of kitchen utensils. In addition, we had noticed some traces in the bed in the middle of the week, but it was only on Sunday lunchtime when we were remaking the bed that we understood that there were bedbugs in the mattress. We immediately contacted the emergency service who did not want to do anything or even offer alternative emergency accommodation despite our insistence (we only had one night left). It is absolutely scandalous! Of course, we immediately left the hotel and took a room only 5 minutes away at our expense... The next day, they did everything they could to apologize miserably by offering - A refund for the last night!!! WELL DONE,