What's Itainen District like?
In Itainen District, you can easily get to the seaside. The neighbourhood features views of the forest. Nature lovers can visit Sarkkaniemen Nature Reserve and Porvarinlahden Nature Reserve. There's plenty more to see, including Helsinki Vuosaari Hansa Terminal and Itis Shopping Centre.
How to get to Itainen District
Flying to:
- Helsinki-Vantaa Airport (HEL), 9.5 mi (15.3 km) from Itainen District
Getting to Itainen District on the metro
Stations in the neighbourhood include:
- Vuosaari Station
- Rastila Station
- Puotila Station
Things to see and do in and around Itainen District
What to see in Itainen District
- Helsinki Vuosaari Hansa Terminal
- Aurinkolahti
- Sarkkaniemen Nature Reserve
- Porvarinlahden Nature Reserve
- Kasakallion Nature Reserve
Things to do in Itainen District
- Itis Shopping Centre
- Unique Lapland Helsinki Winter World
- Vuosaari Golf
Other popular Itainen District attractions
- Kallahdenharjun Nature Reserve
- Rastilan uimaranta
- Ison Kallahden uimaranta
- Puotilan uimaranta
- Kallahdenniemen uimaranta